EMBnet News bulletin of 11 December 2008

Laurent Falquet Laurent.Falquet at unil.ch
Thu Dec 11 12:46:10 CET 2008

* EMBnet News bulletin of 11-Dec-2008 *

Dear all,

kindly forward this advert to students who might be interested.

The Swiss EMBnet node organizes a one-week statistics course for  
biologists at the Biozentrum Basel, January 19-23, 2009.

The course is designed to provide graduate students in the biomedical  
sciences with experience in the application of basic statistical  
analysis techniques to a variety of biological problems.
This course is organized for biomedical researchers and no particular  
statistical knowledge is required in order to attend the course,  
however westrongly recommend you to get familiar with the R  
statistical analysis package prior attending the course.

More information and registration form are available at:

The course is supported by the SKMB (Schweizerische Kommission für  
Molekular Biologie).

Kind Regards,
For the Swiss EMBnet node,
Lorenza Bordoli


How to contact us ?

Don't forget our official help desk email address:

helpdesk at mail.ch.embnet.org

When sending an email to this address you will automatically receive
a ticket with a number. Your question will be answered by our team
or by an expert in the field from the Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics.

With our best regards,

Laurent Falquet, Swiss EMBnet node manager
and the Swiss EMBnet team members,
Lorenza Bordoli
Vassilios Ioannidis
Sébastien Moretti

EMBnet News reports developments and changes affecting the Swiss  
EMBnet node.
EMBnet News articles report on newservices, links added to the node's  
Web pages,
changes affecting users of EMBOSS and other software packages, planned  
likely to affect services, etc.
Users of Swiss EMBnet services are strongly encouraged to subscribe, as
this is our main mode of communication with them.

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