EMBnet News bulletin of 20 Mar 2006

Laurent Falquet Laurent.Falquet at isrec.unil.ch
Mon Mar 20 08:50:58 CET 2006

* EMBnet News bulletin of 20-Mar-2006 *

Dear Users,

We currently experience difficulties with the world DNS of EMBnet.org,
meaning that you can't connect to our servers. This is independent of our will.

We have no expected time of reactivation (it could be down for more 
than 24hours),
so in the mean time you can use this address to join us:

We are sorry for any inconvenience.

Best regards,
Laurent Falquet
node manager.

How to contact us ?

Don't forget our official help desk email address:

helpdesk at mail.ch.embnet.org

When sending an email to this address you will automatically receive
a ticket with a number. Your question will be answered by our team
or by an expert in the field from the Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics.

Best regards,

Laurent Falquet, Swiss EMBnet node manager
and the Swiss EMBnet team members,
Lorenza Bordoli
Vassilios Ioannidis

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